Yesterday (29.10.2013) I’ve visited the Museum of Transport and Technology MOTAT in Auckland. I was interested in how New Zealand was developing and inventing into technology and mobility from the past. Ok, it is not as big and technological perfect like the Mercedes–Benz Museum in Stuttgart but it is nice and you get well informed about the history of Auckland and New Zealand. And actually you should start with this museum right off first before you discover the rest of Auckland city. Because on several displays and little movies (20mins) in the museum they explain how Auckland looked ages ago and how by the way the CIVIC theatre was built and why it is so special.

While you are walking trough the different halls and buildings of the museum you can see some vintage cars and trucks and trams and you get a feeling that time stands still there. Not only because there’s music from the 60s/60s playing though speakers all the time, but because you dive into an old world. There are easy to understand displays and even with your smartphone and a qr-code reader you can let yourself get explained (in different languages) what you are looking at. I took a lot of pictures with my smartphone and you can view them here at Google+ Photos. Between the museum and the air show you are beeing transported with an old tram which is really nice.

In the airshow you walk into a huge shed with lots of planes displayed. It isn’t chronologically structured or planned so you just walk through without any guide or help. That is kind of boring. Some planes are under restauration and can’t get walked through at the moment. At least they have a good and well done area about Jean Batten. It was nice and peaceful made and you could sit and watch movies and interviews of her.

After the MOTAT I also decided to go to the Auckland Zoo (which is right next to it, Access through the tram) – but that will be another blogpost. So far from now.
