So, as I have changed the job in 2020 (nearly a year ago) I also want to publish more blogposts about Software Testing and the testing community like the STUGRM – Software Testing User Group Rhein Main.

Just as the new year 2021 has started there is an online event coming up which you are openly invited to attend. It is the 13th edition of STUGRM :

STUGRM#13 – Selenium Updates and DevSecOps / ComplianceTests with Inspec

Here is a short info for the agenda:

18:30 Uhr: Welcome, grab a seat and relax
18:45 Uhr: Warm-Up / Testing Trends 2021
19:00 Uhr: „10 steps to automate security/compliance tests“, Rudolf Grötz (@RudolfGroetz)
19:40 Uhr: short break
19:50 Uhr: „What’s coming in Selenium4“, Diego Molina (@diegofmolina)
20:30 Uhr: Remote networking and get together

Feel free to register and attend the online event. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to ask Francesco via Twitter.

Von alex

Bloggt seit 1999/2000, glücklicher Ehemann und Papa. Gebürtig aus der Uni-Stadt Tübingen und dann 2010 nach Frankfurt am Main gezogen. Von dort Ende 2022 weggezogen und leben glücklich im ländlicheren Raum. Mehr auf meiner Über mich-Seite