Since the last failed automatic webtrees upgrade (and how I fixed it) I waited a few version numbers to update my local online family ancestry software from webtrees. But no risk, no fun. The bug with the automatic update was fixed in the last versions so I just hit the upgrade-button.

Upgrade wizard

Upgrade to webtrees 2.1.16. Create a temporary folder…

The folder data/tmp/upgrade/ has been created. Check for pending changes…

There are no pending changes. Export all the family trees to GEDCOM files… Familienstammbaum / Familytree of Schnapper

The family tree has been exported to schnapper-2023-03-10.ged. Download…

31,698 KB were downloaded in 2.11 seconds. Unzip to a temporary folder…

9,498 files were extracted in 6.18 seconds. Copy files…

The upgrade is complete.


And great, update was succesful