Together with my wife Sanne we are participating with the cool internet art challenge called „Inktober„. I am trying to draw/sketch/paint each day from 1st October something out of Jake Parker’s Inktober Prompt List. And everyone can do and participate. Really. For more information, read the Inktober FAQ. I hope that I am going to post my drawings here on my blog. But you can follow my „art“ on my instagram account: alexschnapper.  😉

What is Inktober?

Inktober is a month long art challenge created by artist Jake Parker that is focused on improving skill and developing positive drawing habits. Every day for the month of October anyone participating in the Inktober challenge creates an ink drawing and posts it online. Remember to use the hashtags #inktober and #inktober2019 if you want your art to be seen by everyone.


1) Make a drawing in ink (you can do a pencil under-drawing if you want).

2) Post it*

3) Hashtag it with #inktober and #inktober2019

4) Repeat

Note: you can do it daily, or go the half-marathon route and post every other day, or just do the 5K and post once a week. What ever you decide, just be consistent with it. Inktober is about growing and improving and forming positive habits, so the more you’re consistent the better.

Follow the Hashtag on Twitter #inktober or on Instagram #inktober / #inktober2019.

That’s it! Now go make something beautiful.

*Post it on any social media account you want or just post it on your refrigerator. The point is to share your art with someone. 🙂

(Source: Inktober rules)

Prompt List

This years official prompt list in english

Inktober Officeial 2019 Prompt List
Inktober Officeial 2019 Prompt List
  1. Ring
  2. Mindless
  3. Bait
  4. Freeze
  5. Build
  6. Husky
  7. Enchanted
  8. Frail
  9. Swing
  10. Pattern
  11. Snow
  12. Dragon
  13. Ash
  14. Overgrown
  15. Legend
  16. Wild
  17. Ornament
  18. Misfit
  19. Sling
  20. Tread
  21. Treasure
  22. Ghost
  23. Ancient
  24. Dizzy
  25. Tasty
  26. Dark
  27. Coat
  28. Ride
  29. Injured
  30. Catch
  31. Ripe

Here is a printable version of the prompt list image, thanks to Vince on Twitter:

Inktober Officeial 2019 Prompt List

Also exists in other languages, you can find them here.

Die diesjährige offizielle Aufgabenliste auf Deutsch

Meine Frau Sanne hat in ihrem Blogbeitrag auch die deutsche Übersetzung in einer PDF veröffentlicht, schaut bitte da auch vorbei.

What about you?

Are you also participating in this years „Inktober?“ or are about to do so? Leave a comment with a link to your social media accounts and I’m happy to connect 😉


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