Hi there, since quite a while over the years I sometimes was stunned about some australian commercial/ads i saw on my flights to and from Australia and in the TV channels there. I am going to blog about some which I prefer or like, not because of the product which is promoted but about the way they put emotions into an ad. Because I am half australian, half german I like those ads and they still show their effect.

Here with Part 1 I want to start with one of the actually most known ad „I still call Australia Home„. It is known as the Ad of Qantas (You remember? The company with „The spirit of Australia“ and the Kangaroo on their airplanes tail). But you can actually also read more information at Wikipedia. So here are the videos related to „I still call Australia Home“ (by the way, here are the lyrics):

(Update – i found this extra Qantas Ad just now…)

QANTAS AD New Commercial – I Still Call Australia Home:

I Still Call Australia Home:

Qantas the Spirit of Australia – TV Ad 2001:

Chaser QANTAS Ad:

TAS TV End of Transmission (c. 1986):

TNT 9 Closedown Early 1980s:

Even Kylie Minogue sung the song:
I Still Call Australia Home by Kylie Minogue, Live @ Sound Relief Melbourne, Australia 2009

The Ten Tenors – I still call Australia home:

Hugh Jackman sings I Still Call Australia Home:

See why I like that song? It is really emotional to me. 🙂